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Cloud4Y added to the portfolio of services 1C consulting and audit

Throughout the period of the lease to provide 1C cloud scheme SaaS (Software as a Service), enterprise cloud provider Cloud4Y systematically collect and analyze the requests and suggestions of users. Since the standard box 1C is not always suit the buyer of functionality, have to resort to professional developers to complement and integrate service & laquo; 1C: Enterprise & raquo; with other IT systems of the customer.1supdate.png
 As part of the audit experts Cloud4Y resulted in the need for many customers in high-quality customer support system 1C, as well as individual customization. It was decided to add to the portfolio of services a special offer for performance analysis and optimization of 1C, which is available to everyone. Previously, to get this service, I had to go to third-party developers, and pay large sums, but now it has become available through their own experts 1C.   
 Certified staff were to conduct a survey, which includes the following range of activities: Survey of hardware and databases, modeling high load 1C and measurement performance analysis server configuration 1C: Enterprise and the software configuration code, the analysis of all identified performance problems and their causes, providing comprehensive report on the survey and recommendations on increasing productivity.   
 Analysis of the most common complaints from users that 1C is running slow, freezes reports, documents are held for a long time, and so on, gave the idea of ​​systematically performance audit client solutions 1C.   
 A survey of the customer receives a full report on the survey of hardware and systems 1C, complete information on the causes of poor performance and ways to improve it, the list of problem areas with a code indicating the degree of influence on the overall system performance, ranking the most important causes of low productivity, the removal of which will to the best effect. Additionally, experts Cloud4Y prepare a work plan for the optimization of systems 1C customer with an estimate of labor costs and the cost.

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