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Get Fastest Free 100mbps Bandwidth

Starting from April 2021, Cloud4U cancels charging for Internet channel 100Mbps bandwidth when calculating the cost of virtual capacity.

Previously, Cloud4U offered the Internet channel 5Mbps as a free basic option.

For small projects, this may be enough, but for ambitious tasks, it is often needed more. To provide more opportunities for our customers, we raised the bandwidth to 100Mbps with the ability to expand to 1000 Mbps, but already on a paid basis.

Why is it important?

For a web service to work properly, you need to meet at least two basic conditions: a high-performance, stable server and a reliable Internet channel between the clients and the server. And the higher the bandwidth, the more stable the web service is. For example, it helps to cope with a sudden increase in traffic, related to a successful advertising campaign or other activity.

Test the Cloud4U cloud service for free by filling out a short application on the website.

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